It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that he/she complies with the cannabis seed laws of his/her own country. Nordland Seeds does not want to encourage our customers to act in contravention of their own national laws. Customers are advised not to act in breach of the law. The seeds are sold with the explicit understanding that they will not be cultivated in a country where it is illegal to do so.
If customers give Nordland Seeds reason to believe that the law will be broken with seeds sold on this website, we will refuse to accept the deal.
Customers buying from Nordlandseeds.dk must be at least 18 years old at the time of purchase.
Nordland Seeds does not endorse the use of illegal or controlled substances in any way, and takes no responsibility for the use of products sold on our website.
All information on the Nordland Seeds website is included for educational, scientific or historical research purposes only. Information on the Nordland Seeds website, product packaging, promotional material etc. is also made available to countries whose laws allow the cultivation of hemp seeds.
Nordland Seeds is in no way liable for any claims, actions, legal and/or court fees directed against oneself in connection with the use of products purchased on this website or through other media.