Critical Kush


In the world of cannabis cultivation, hybrids that bring out the best qualities in two different strains have become some of the most popular variants on the market. Critical Kush is just such a hybrid. By crossing Critical Mass with OG Kush, growers have created this strain that is high in THC and incorporates a full and rich aroma into this superior smoking experience.

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Good yield for medium-sized plant

This Kush blend is an Indica-dominant strain that grows to a medium size, ideal for growing in areas that are somewhat space constrained.

It nevertheless produces an excellent yield considering its size with an average yield of 500-550 grams/m2. This yield is mainly due to the number of flowers per plant, which results in a high number of buds. With a flowering time of around 55-60 days, it is also a wonderfully fast hybrid, which opens up for quick turnover.

Royal Queen Seeds’ cannabis seeds from the Critical Kush strain ensure the perfect cannabis experience for relaxing smoking. Its high THC content is great for providing relaxation to the body and mind as well as relieving stress and pain. However, the strain is not so strong that it will leave the smoker ineffective for long.

Instead, it will help relieve tension and stress, while leaving the user as close as possible to full functionality for the rest of the day’s tasks. It is also recommended to smoke before bedtime, where it will ensure the user a good night’s sleep.

Critical Kush offers a formidable aroma to accompany this pleasant but not overwhelmingly powerful effect. The smokiness has a distinct earthiness, with an aromatic and spicy quality.

Some varieties are simply too musky to really enjoy as a smoking experience, but this one is just the right blend of strong flavour with more subtle complex nuances, making it a really enjoyable smoking experience.

Rich, flavourful and aromatic smoking experience

If you’re interested in growing her and trying this exciting hybrid all for yourself, you can buy Critical Kush seeds direct from Royal Queen Seeds. This hybrid really stands out from the other Kush hybrids.

While it delivers a strong, satisfying effect, it doesn’t leave you glued to the sofa for the rest of the evening. It also delivers a rich, flavoursome and aromatic smoking experience that will definitely please even the most discerning taste buds with its subtle yet strong aroma.

Its medium size and high yield are excellent for indoor or small area cultivation, where the focus is on getting the most out of your growing activities.

If you’re looking for a new strain that can lead to a more enjoyable smoking experience, a satisfying and long-lasting effect, or just want to increase your yield, then this hybrid could well be the one for you. Royal Queen Seeds offers the seeds you need at reasonable prices.

Start your experiment with this excellent Kush strain today and there’s a chance for a high quality yield. With a high THC content, it’s just waiting to be dried and smoked after just a few weeks.


Type/gender: Feminized

Genotype: Sativa 20% Indica 80%

Area: Indoor

Height: 60-100 cm

Flowering time: 65-70 days

Yield: 500-550 g/m2

THC content: 20%

CBD content: Medium

From 11,00 - 64,00 - Inc. free gift

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