Hydroponics for Everybody
Comprehensive guide to hydroponics, covering everything from the ABCs of basic hydroponics to advanced installations and techniques.
Contains lots of good tips that every hydroponic gardener should know.
Title: Hydroponics for Everybody: All About Home Horticulture
Author: William Texier
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Mamaéditions.com (2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 284594120X
ISBN-13: 9782-845941205
Everything you need to know about hydroponics
This richly illustrated, comprehensive guide to hydroponic growing enables readers to take their harvest to new heights. Hydroponics has many advantages: besides giving more control over the fertilisation of the plants, there are environmental benefits, such as more efficient use of water and fertiliser. Another advantage is that the plants get all their needs covered in a smaller area.
Hydroponics for Everybody highlights different hydroponic systems and covers all necessary topics in the gardening field, including what to look for in terms of. nutrients and agro-materials and how to deal with the various fertiliser-related problems.
The chapter on setting up the greenhouse explains what equipment is needed for indoor hydroponic cultivation. This includes light, ventilation, CO2 and other basic plant needs, and offers solutions to reduce noise and odours.
There is also a chapter on organic hydroponics, which contains important points and detailed instructions on “urban” cultivation, as well as vegetable gardening.